Saturday, February 17, 2007

In the beginning

Just two weeks before the 2007 Masters State Track Titles I managed to tear one of the quad muscles in my right leg. It was the stupidest thing.

First up was a 20km warmup, then a handicap race. Punctured after just 15km with no spare or pump. 4km walk back to the start line. Managed to snaffle a lift with 2km still left to go and sore, blistered feet.

Climbing an innocuous little hill in a small gear on the 40km warmdown ride I pushed just a little harder and felt a minor pain that just said "Don't do that!". Nothing serious. Or so I thought.

The pain wouldn't go away and by the time I had driven home it was making me feel nauseous. Ice and more ice was the order of the day. But the recovery was going to be long, tedious, and painful.

Training for the next four to six weeks would change from peaking to spinning light gearing wherever possible and hoping that fitness and muscle memory might get me through.

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